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2012/1-2. English Summary

Zsolt Námesztovszki – Glušac Dragana – Branka Arsović: Pupils’ motivation level in a traditional and in an IT educational environment

The main aim of this paper is to describe the created traditional and IT educational environments, as well as to publish the research results. Our survey assessed the differences in motivation levels in a traditional and in an IT educational environment. We used modern teaching tools in the educational environment enriched with IT, such as laptop, interactive whiteboard, projector, interactive and multimedia software support. In the traditional educational environment, we implemented printed materials and traditional teaching tools. The motivation level was measured using a questionnaire and with the number of pupils’ reactions during the teaching process.

Gábor Lázár: Dictionary with Neural NetworkThis article is a story of a web application.

This educational software is using artificial intelligence to show linguistic relations of various words by different aspects. Thus it is modeling the language itself on a spatial level, helping to recognize and easily learn linguistic features.

“I started to learn Chinese, and then I created this program, which has a ability to order words on the screen by their various properties. But then I got the idea about one years before, this is not Chinese-specific, but there can be a lot of relationship among a group of words, like grammar connections. Read – Book, Listen – Music, Music – Instrument, Instrument – and so on. And, like spider’s web, it orders the words on that way, so that if there’s some connection between two words, then they’ll search each others.

Now ELTE is using it, at the Korean Department, under the leading of Dr. Mecsi Beatrix. And I’m invited to the Bridges Conference. It is a Dutch Conference, about the frontier of the sciences.”

“Interesting, as the network arranges the words. Like the sheep. One of them wants to go to its friend – both of them have same radical -, but some enemy sheep stand between them. So it walks slowly, and when there’s enough place, it runs to its friend. Good to watch it. Good to watch it at first time.”

If you read this article, you’ll find brief information by opening, selecting and arranging words, adding new ones and by setting of the program options.

This software is suitable for language schools, universities and schoolbooks. it’s available for any languages, including simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese and English.

As a student you can open the lessons, arrange the words and see the connections between them, open and see their details and the examples.

As a teacher you can use it in small group teaching, in frontal teaching with projector, in language laboratory or as a tool that facilitates with homework and practice.

“I select a lesson with 25-50 words, add 50-60 words to them from the previous lessons, print it, go to a park, and I’m learning. If I want to check my knowledge, no dictionary, no moving eye – I’ll just turn my hand five degrees.”

You can use the Neudice.eu web application as an intuitive tool to present the new words, and generate the printed version of the lessons and create the mobile version running on smartphones and tablets.

László T. Nagy: Language learning in social networks

Nearly every internet user meets some form of social networks. The popularity of social pages, blogs, forums or media sharing sites increases rapidly. However, we are not always fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages coming along. Knowing these facilitating or blocking factors is crucial if we would like to use online aids in education or private learning.

In my essay I have a closer look at the social, online, multimedia contents offered by web 2.0 that may be used effectively in language learning. I present the advantages and disadvantages, clarify the basic definitions and briefly analyze their efficiency in the learning process. Finally, I show some examples in sites used the most and by language learners. The aim of my essay is to summarize and organize the wide range of possibilities of social contents in language learning, to convince the ones who do not yet believe in the efficiency of such pages, and to give advices for the beginnings in order to make the language learners more efficient and their learning more resultful by the help of social forces.

Dóra Czirfusz: Jason B. Ohler (2010): Digital Community, Digital Citizen. Corwin, London, United Kingdom.

With the emerge of the Internet, many questions have come up about the digital world and its connection with education. What Jason Ohler points out in his book, Digital Communities, Digital Citizenship is based on his 25-year-long teaching experience. His book is not only a list of definitions but a guideline which aims to help students discover the digital life in a wise and safe way.

The main question to reply to is whether children should have two lives or just one. The answer will determine how teachers plan education. Having two different lives means that children should live as a digital citizen when connecting to the online world away from school, while being digitally unplugged at school. To the contrary of this approach, students could blend these lives into an integrated one.

After the Preamble we can read about the origin and definition of digital citizenship (The call to digital citizenship). The second part tells us the main anxiety emerging when teachers talk about technology and also supports us to see technology clearly (Seeing technology). The last part emphasizes the importance of character education in digital world (Character education).

The reader will be provided with the way how to teach kids to use technology effectively, creatively and responsibly by giving several examples and models within the chapters.

Tünde Radócz: Karl M. Kapp – Tony O’Driscoll: Learning in 3D. Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration

The subject of the book review presents the educational usability of the virtual environment. One of the authors, Karl M. Kapp is a professor at the Instructional Technology Department of the Bloomsburg University. His lectures, titled “Learning in 3D” is about designing educational environment in the virtual world. Tony O’Driscoll, a professor of Duke Univeristy’s Fuqua School of Business. His current research examine how the fast emerging technologies such as the 3D worlds impact the existing business modells and industry structures.

The authors show that the education within realistic virtual spaces can be more efficient and more effective than any traditional methods that have been used so far.

The book also points out seven problems that clearly prove that the education has to be changed.

In the future the educational world will need more and more pioneers who are open to use new technology. To start this process this book can give a number of tips together with the useful information from the learningin3d.info portal.

Adrienn Papp-Danka: Modern learning environment, modern tools: educational technology and media

The book called Oktatásinformatikai módszerek (Ollé et al. 2013) is about pedagogy and educational methodology of instruction in information society. The authors of these book were intended to emphasize the pedagogical site of ICT in education, and not to take too many words of technology. But this paper could be the seventh chapter of the book, because it recommends concrete softwares and applications which can be used in the instructional routine.

Topic of modern instructional environment can be divided into three main subtopic, such as (1) phisical environment (in a point of ergonomics); (2) methodology (with frameworks and classroom-management softwares); and (3) digital tools (like whiteboards, response systems, mobile phones, cameras…etc.)

The aim of this paper is to give practical advices about how we can use the digital tools which are around us in the daily routine. Moreover we try to give a various and wide list of concrete examples of how could you use a digital medium (photo, video, audio …etc.) in teaching and learning.

The aim of integrating different digitizing tools in the process of learning and teaching is not just to reach higher motivation, but to get more other benefits too. For example the student’s digital literacy could be improved during working with various mediums (p.ex. recording, editing, sharing.. etc.). While they could learn to work with digitizing tools, they could also learn to find the right sources of different types of informations. The cooperative and collaborative skills of students could also be developed because according to the digital inequality students with low competencies could be supported by digitally more educated ones (Molnár, 2007).

András Buda: A handbook on voting systems?

 The process of teaching and learning is unimaginable without feedback, which plays a decisive role in a successful educational process. Although each aspect has a special meaning, students’ performance and its assessment have particular significance. Assessing the level of learning in a personalized way, however, is rather a time-intensive and difficult task to tackle. Moreover, methods that provide reliable information on the actual state of an entire class are not easy to find. Electronic voting systems may substantially assist in solving these problems, making possible immediate feedback for teachers and students alike.
> The essay presents the possibilities of e-voting systems, not by taking stock of the services provided by various makes, but by yielding an overview of potential application. The study highlights that in school these tools may not only be used for purposes of education but the support of educational tasks might have just as much significance. Even more so, their presence heralds new possibilities not only in teacher-student relationships but in many cases in staff or parents’ meetings, too.

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